What I learnt after giving birth to a baby

Giving birth to a baby offers a bountiful of gifts. Despite being a wonderful experience to have a baby, it also comes with other learnings and sacrifices for a new mother. Most new mothers are experiencing baby blues these days after delivering their firstborn. While I'm not an expert at this, being a mother has taught me a lot of things during those first few weeks. With no sleep for days and overflowing emotions, I didn't know if it was my soaring hormones at play but I did feel a whole lot of things and learnt from them. 

Don't expect anything

I was expecting a natural delivery and didn't prepare myself for C-section. I didn't speak to other mothers who underwent natural delivery to share their experience fearing it might negatively influence me leading to panic when it's my time. While they rolled me into the labour room, panic crept up in me despite my best efforts to keep myself positive. As it turned out, the doctor decided that I get a C-section delivery, I was wrecked in the labour room signing my consent. Ever since I felt so difficult to accept my surgery which is one of the main reasons why I felt dejected during those early months post-delivery. 

Being flexible


I was having my own plans and dreams that I blindly expected things to happen as I imagined in my head. When things took a turn diverting from my plans I couldn't help feeling bad. When disappointments hit me one by one I couldn't help but felt infuriated and hurt. While I was dreaming of getting back in shape within a few months, it didn't happen. While I silenced my raging nerves that I could manage the pain to get back to work, like before, it didn't happen either. It takes time to heal. I realised its impossible to get back to that same shape as before and slowly started accepting my new figure, which also helped me grow a baby and eventually felt proud about it. 

Sharing love

The love a couple enjoys with each other has to be shared with the arrival of a newborn. I have seen mothers and fathers consider their child more precious than anything or anyone around them which might hurt a new mom very briefly. After going through a lot of physical strain the mother also needs a lot of care and attention just like a baby would demand. The father should ensure that not only the baby but also the mother is just as important to him as the little one. By ensuring this the new mom will feel proud and supported feeling energetic enough to take on her additional responsibilities. 

A helping hand is indispensable


I have seen many pregnant ladies confidently say they could both care for their little one and look after daily chores smoothly. But it's very hard to do it. There are a lot of ladies struggling without help as well, but if there is help available, making use of it is a brilliant choice. The new mother is already tired of giving birth, and when the baby demands her pampering all the time, it adds to her burden in every way. She couldn't eat on time or sleep peacefully. Until she learns to find out why the baby is crying, she is mentally restless when the baby starts to. Either her mother or her mother-in-law would be the best help that a new mom could get to manage those first few months, at least.



I learnt the real meaning of sacrificing only after my baby was born. When she pees or poops I have to immediately attend to her irrespective of being in the middle of my meals or even bathing. I forced myself into eating bland but healthy food as it helps to feed my baby better. Whether it's 1 or 2 at night, whenever she cries or demands a feed I should be ready to offer whatever she asks for. There is no question or concern about my liking for the food I eat or the amount of sleep I get. All the attention goes to the baby which might sometimes irk depreciating any quality time for myself. But it's a stage when I realised how hard it is to look after a baby and still poured in lots of love on her.



I was totally against giving formula milk to my baby as soon as she was born. I couldn't accept when the doctor advised me to do so in those first few days after my delivery. The hard part is I couldn't accept it. I realized it only later that after all, doing what's right for the baby is what matters the most. Be it vaccinating or any other medical help, I began putting my baby first and doing what's right for her instead of filling my head with rumours and misinformation. What we think is right for the baby works but not all the time. Sometimes, our elders know it better and it's always wise to think and accept things keeping in mind what's best for your baby. 

Motherhood is a lifelong journey, not just those first few months. Your baby and the whole experience with childbirth will turn your world upside down. It will clear all your preconception and teach things afresh which you might never have thought would work. Being open to learning life lessons will help a great deal in tackling the hardships motherhood offers along the way. Still, when you look back, those days will remain a wonderful dream! 
